LAHS InvenTeam Invention Abstract
The issue of proper sanitary drinking water is a growing concern in many parts of the
world, as lack of clean water is a key contributor to death in developing countries. Currently, it is estimated that 1.1 billion people in the world do not have access to clean safe drinking water. Although parasites, viruses, and toxic chemicals that cause sickness,disease, and cancers can be easily removed by filtration, most devices are too expensive, demanding of energy resources, or ineffective at providing purification of water in developing countries. The Los Alamitos High School InvenTeam invented a new Ozone (O3) water purification system that utilizes corona discharge ozone, charcoal based filters, and a ceramic filter in order to treat the contaminants in the water. The finished product runs primarily off a 100 watt solar panel and is completely energy independent. The built-in filtration system allows for the removal of 95% or more bacteria and mineral contaminants at a flow rate of approximately 0.85-1.7 L per minute, which is enough to support fifty-plus persons. The system will cost approximately $300 to $400 per unit when in mass production. In the upcoming year we will work on redesigning the device to enhance its efficiency and effectiveness. As our device can purify large quantities of water at a low rate of energy consumption, it has the potential to greatly improve the lives of many in need.