Sunday, October 20, 2013

Formal Abstract

LAHS InvenTeam Invention Abstract

The issue of proper sanitary drinking water is a growing concern in many parts of the
world, as lack of clean water is a key contributor to death in developing countries. Currently, it is estimated that 1.1 billion people in the world do not have access to clean safe drinking water.  Although parasites, viruses, and toxic chemicals that cause sickness,disease, and cancers can be easily removed by filtration, most devices are too expensive, demanding of energy resources, or ineffective at providing purification of water in developing countries.  The Los Alamitos High School InvenTeam invented a new Ozone (O3) water purification system that utilizes corona discharge ozone, charcoal based filters, and a ceramic filter in order to treat the contaminants in the water. The finished product runs primarily off a 100 watt solar panel and is completely energy independent. The built-in filtration system allows for the removal of 95% or more bacteria and mineral contaminants at a flow rate of approximately 0.85-1.7 L per minute, which is enough to support fifty-plus persons. The system will cost approximately $300 to $400 per unit when in mass production.  In the upcoming year we will work on redesigning the device to enhance its efficiency and effectiveness. As our device can purify large quantities of water at a low rate of energy consumption, it has the potential to greatly improve the lives of many in need.
- Oliver

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

LAHS InvenTeam Brochures

These are the brochures we had made for EurekaFest 2013. You may download them or print them out if you wish. More updates on this year coming soon! 

Monday, June 24, 2013

LAHS InvenTeam at EurekaFest 2013 Recap

This past week we had the privilege of traveling as a team to MIT for the annual EurekaFest hosted by the Lemelson MIT Program. We would like to thank the Lemelson MIT Foundation, MIT, the Boston Museum of Science, and Justin Lai and Leigh Estabrooks who have helped us with our project throughout the year. It has been an amazing experience for all of us and it is one that we will remember for years to come. The amount of innovation and ideas we saw at EurekaFest has inspired us to continue inventing and pursuing STEM fields. We will continue to work on improving our invention and hope to keep in touch with the incredible students, mentors, administrators, and professors we have me along the way. Thank you again to all who have made this trip possible and we hope to return soon :) 

- The Los Alamitos High School InvenTeam 

EurekaFest Photos: 

EurekaFest 2013 
Our team tours the water filtration labs and mechanical/civil engineering workshops at MIT.

Invention Showcase 
The LAHS InvenTeam at the invention Showcase as part of EurekaFest. 

Team Leader, Oliver Chen, explains the project a group of people.

Our final prototype on display in the Stata Center at MIT. 
Our InvenTeams banner at our table.

Financial Lead, Justin Paek, explains the prototype to other InvenTeams.

Our information poster provided by LMIT. Thanks for letting us keep it !! :)

Boston Sightseeing !!

Prudential Center 

Our team taking a walk through the Boston Common & Public Gardens.
Jack, Justin, Oliver, and Le Wen pose in front of the Samuel Adams statue at Haymarket Square. 

Team members Jusin and Jack having some fun at Haymarket. 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Testing Our Local Water Sources

Since it is highly difficult to transport large amounts of contaminated water for testing, we have used our local river as a testing source. This is a Coli-form bacteria test in which the results were positive for Coli-form bacteria. 

Test samples at the beginning of the test. 
Test samples after 48 hours. (yellow indicates a positive(+) result)

- Oliver Chen(Project Leader) 

Finishing Touches/Moving On To Testing

We are currently putting the finishing touches on the prototype. Notice the addition of wheels to make it possible for an individual to more easily move. Also the addition of LED lighting helps to indicate when the ozone is present. 

We are begging to do many tests on water quality. This is an E-Coli and Salmonella test. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Preliminary Tests of Primary Filter Pods

Today we completed a preliminary test run of one of our filter pods. The filter was filled with alternating layers of plastic mesh, coconut shell activated carbon, and 1 micron porous filter cloth. Keep in mind that the final prototype will use three filter pods to filter the water instead of one. Initial results are promising as nearly all of the visible sediment was removed from our test water. Our next step will be to test for dissolved chemicals, minerals, and bacterial contaminants. We will also do water quality testing that meets national water quality standards.

Before running through our filter pod.

After running through a single filter pod. 
- Oliver Chen(Project Leader)

Friday, February 15, 2013

Moving Forward in February...

A lot has happened since the last update... The team has been working out many problems in the system and we feel confident in out final prototype design.

Things we have discovered:

- We have run tests on the effect of the Oxygen Concentrator on the output of the ozone generator and have determined that it is most cost effective and efficient if we remove the Oxygen Concentrator from the system and instead increase the ozone generators.
- Through preliminary testing of our filters we have found that a (charcoal-->coarse filter cloth---> .1 micron ceramic filter material) setup would be best for our design.

This month we will complete the final prototype chassis in aluminum and finish building out filtration system.

Our activated carbon filter material

Components to the Ozone Generation Unit. 
Next month we will add a solar panel system and start testing and making adjustments in order to finalize the prototype and achieve our efficiency goals. 

-Oliver Chen(Project Leader)